Diet & regimen in Rainy Season(Monsoon) /
Varsha Ritucharya (वर्षा ऋतुचर्या)
Ayurveda deals with preserving health & treating diseases But Prime aim of ayurveda is to maintain healthy state of life of individual. And for that Ayurveda Samhita has mentioned different diet and lifestyle schedule in each season which helps to maintain the health, which is called ‘Ritucharya’. In Rainy Season i.e.Varsha ritu, this diet & lifestyle rules are called as Varsha Ritucharya.
Varsha ritu (Rainy season) according to Ayurveda falls in the Uttarayan (northern solstice) and in this period general body strength of an individual is weak.In this season the atmosphere is although cool due to rainfall but the humidity increases and this causes aggrevation of doshas. Due to poor strength of Agni (Digestive fire), doshas start vitiating one another, primarily the vata dosha and secondarily pitta and kapha dosha which may cause many ailments. One must follow a specific Diet and lifestyle schedule in rainy season as the chances of having digestive problems are great during this season.
Ayurveda describes aggravation (vitiation) of Vata and accumulation of Pita in Varsha ritu (Rainy season).This is the major cause of various diseases occurring during the rainy season. The food and lifestyle should thus be such which helps in balancing Vata and Pita.
Use recommended-
Food, which contains acid, salt and greasiness, should be taken. Consume very simple food, Old rice, wheat and barley should be taken.
Ghee (clarified butter) and milk should be taken with the food, Pumpkin, brinjal, pointed gourd, bitter gourd, bottle gourd, ginger, cumin seed, fenugreek and garlic are very helpful for health.
Pure water should be taken. If the water is taken from well, pond or river, then alum should be applied before using it. It is better to boil the water in rainy season. One should save himself/herself from rains in the process of earning livelihood.
Don’t go in mud or wet dust bare feet. Applying oil is beneficial.
Use kitchen spices in food to correct your digestive fire. Garlic, pepper, ginger, asafetida (hing), jeera powder, turmeric and coriander help enhance digestion and improve immunity. Consume food according to your digestive fire Having fruit or vegetable salads outside is also harmful because germs can easily grow there, always try and take home-made food during this season.
Non-vegetarians should go in for lighter meat preparations like soups
and stews rather than heavy curries. Brown rice and bread are the best food items to go with during monsoons. Avoid foods such as pasta, soups, and other such foods which are meant t o be good host for the growth of bacteria
When eating out, choose restaurants that conform to basic standards of quality and hygiene, in order to avoid contracting serious infections such as viral fever, diarrhea and other water borne diseases. Avoid eating chaats, fried items such as pakoras, pre-cut fruits and juices from roadside vendors
Do course of Basti Chikitsa during Monsoon to avoid aggravation of Vata dosha. Ubatan – application of Herbs in particular manners is advisable
Seek Ayurveda Doctors advise for Panchkarama, Medication and ask them about food also.
Dry yourself after getting wet in Rain properly. Do Dhupan / Fumigation of herbs as prescribed by Ayurveda Doctor. Be it residence or workplace, one should not live in damped places. One should wash the feet and dry it properly after coming back from outside.
Mosquito net should be used to keep insects, bee moth and mosquitoes away. If you get wet from rainy water, it is better to take a bath with clean water.
Take fresh and fresh prepared food and in little amount, Consume food within 2 hours of preparing it
Don’t use-
One should avoid rice, potato, colocasia, ladyfinger and other things, which are difficult to digest. Avoid Sour, Fermented food
Don’t consume food which is stored in cold storage refrigerator. Avoid dry food and Sprouts. Don’t consume water of any lake or River or Waterfall.
Avoid Butter Milk, Curd, yogurt, etc which are heavy to digest. avoid eating raw foods, instead go for stir fried vegetables because it is difficult to know whether raw foods are properly washed, cleaned or stored.
Excellent road side temptations like pani puri and bhel puri are not prepared hygienically and thus can cause stomach aches. So it would be better to control yourself till the end of the season so as to keep yourself healthy and fit and to enjoy the monsoons to the fullest.
Avoid habit of sleeping in a day. Always take precaution of your foot and Skin. Don’t get wait frequently in Rain, it may cause infection. One should avoid highly liquid things and alcohol.
Sleeping during daytime and waking during night is bad thing to do. Avoid exercise and sun bath. Don’t do much physical exercise.